Join other youth groups from all over the nation for an inspiring Catholic Youth Conference on Benedictine College’s beautiful campus in Atchison, Kansas. Conference Dates: June 20-22, 2025
BCYC Encounter is a weekend Catholic youth conference built for parish and diocesan groups on Benedictine College’s campus! Parishes from around the country bring their teens to Encounter for a conference experience uniquely different from others available today. It’s a dynamic weekend of faith, fellowship and fun, filled with prayer, small groups, Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacraments, plus energizing activities like bubble soccer and water games.

Highlights Video
Registration Fee: $200.00/participant
If you have any questions, please contact us.
2025 Speakers
Katie Hartfiel

Speaker Bio
Katie Hartfiel received her theology degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville and spent the following seven years serving as a youth minister in Houston. She now feels blessed to spend her days with her husband, Mark, and their four children, while still getting to travel to speak about Jesus. For more on Katie, her books, and your first chapters free, visit womaninlove.org.
Father Augustine Wetta
Saint Louis Abbey

Speaker Bio
Father Augustine Wetta is the author of Pray. Think. Act., The Eighth Arrow and Humility Rules (which has been translated into five languages and sold over 100,000 copies!). He is a monk of Saint Louis Abbey in Saint Louis, Missouri, where he teaches high school and coaches rugby. He has degrees from Oxford University, Rice University, and Middlebury College. Father Augustine grew up on a tropical island, where he learned to surf and was nearly eaten by a shark. He has also worked as a professional juggler, beach patrol lifeguard and archaeologist. During his spare time, he raises carnivorous plants, carpenter ants, and makes armor.
Jonah Soucy

Speaker Bio
Jonah Paul Soucy is a Catholic speaker, musician, and author who hails from the wonderful Catholic community of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At a young age, Jonah experienced God in a powerful way through the beauty of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the state where he grew up. As he grew older, he experienced God more fully through encountering Him in Eucharistic Adoration and in prayer. Currently serving as a youth minister in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Jonah recently received a Master of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization from Franciscan University. He lives in the South Hills of Pittsburgh with his wife, Shannon, and their son Aiden.
Make a lasting difference in your Youth Ministry!
Be Inspired by Speakers from All Walks of Life.
Grow Closer to Christ with Prayer and the Sacraments.
Together, Have the Time of Your Lives!
A Unique Catholic Youth Conference
BCYC Encounter is a true experience of Benedictine spirituality at a Newman Guide Recommended school with the highest rated Ministry program in the nation.
In addition to infusing Benedictine spirituality into BCYC Encounter, we are also tailoring the conference to the needs of Generation Z. While students will hear from great Catholic speakers, they will also engage with the Monks, our Missionaries and each other to make Encounter and experience that is meaningful to them. We are working to make prayer and their faith accessible and relatable to teens today in a way that no other youth conference is doing.
- Community: Intentional small group time with questions and group leader tips to help your teens create a strong bond.
- Simplicity: An experience of adoration that will help teens encounter Christ in the Eucharist in a real and tangible way and launch them into a deeper prayer life.
- Stability: Teens will learn to pray from the Monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey and be sent home with the tools they need to have a consistent prayer life (and Youth Ministers will get the tools they need to help them!)
Media Kit and Promotion
Youth ministers, we will work with you as a partner to help make this the most successful weekend youth retreat you’ve ever attended. We have provided some tools, like poster, flyer and postcard templates, for your use in promoting the event. View Media Kit
“My favorite parts of BCYC would be making new friends and growing closer to Christ through them, going to Adoration, and all the fun activities we did!”
– Summer 2024 Participant